Wednesday, January 31, 2007
A month has flown the coup but I'm still standing, albeit quietly in the corner. So much has happened in this time. As of the 1st Jan, I was no longer single. As of the 3rd-10th of Jan, I was no longer certain about my church decision. As of the 11th of Jan I had experienced M Ward. As of the 14th of Jan we were declared winners of Cranium. As of the 19th of Jan, we had publicly appeared in Masterton and had met the grandparents. As of the 23rd of Jan, we had our first hot date. And finally, as of the 29th of Jan we had seen the Dark Side of the Moon. Multinumerous good times have been had this Jan. Certainly a contender for best Jan ever.
| posted by Lynton |
8:01 am